I feel bad.  I had such great intentions when I first made this website.  I was going to blog at least every other day...then decided on once a week....and then I was lucky if I even thought about it once a month....and that even went by the wayside.  I just don't have the time like I would love to have.  So, I am pondering yet another idea.  I had started writing a book quite some time ago.  It is in my head....part of it is on disc....about 5 chapters.  I need to get the rest of it out.  I am not writing it for profit.  So, maybe I will start to write it on here.  That way I will publish it myself in the process as I go along.  We will see.  Writing is such a process.  But more than that, there are gremlins that keep us from writing what is going on in our heads sometimes.  I don't mean that literally.  I am talking about distractions.  To be a good writer, you have to have the ability to be alone and to write.  But, once you are alone with the opportunity to write, you have to do just that...write.  I can do this for several days and then, the laundry starts to call out my name....Vicki...we're going to start stinking in here if you don't give us your attention.  Or, sometimes my daily menu calls out my name.....Vicki....at least stick us in the crock pot so that you can have your dinner tonight.  Sometimes it is my email...and my biggest source of procrastination comes from my favorite website...Pazzles.net.  I love that place....love the way that it is set up....love the people who visit it.  It is just a great place to go to in order to escape everyday responsibilities.  There are people there who seek help in their craft...and I love helping wherever I can.  That is because I am a retired special needs teacher who no longer needs to meet the needs of children at every turn.  I guess that sometimes, I miss being needed.  So, the Craftroom is one of my indulgences.  Other that that.....writing...oh yeah....we WERE talking abut writing...how is this for a long run on paragraph?  Boy, if I had my teacher's cap on, there would be red strokes all through this "essay".  But, the writing is hard to do unless I am held accountable.  So, forsaking any distractions...major distractions...in my life.  I think that I am going to have this website hold me accountable for writing my book.  As you can see....it will be a wordy book!  That will be my coming attraction in January.